How will I know if I have a gambling addiction problem?

According to Responsible Gaming, the behavioural patterns of an addictive gambler are as follows:

  • Is irritable or in a bad mood or fights with the persons around him for insignificant reasons.
  • Spends less time for family activities or social activities and going out.
  • Stops engaging in activities that interest him or disappears from home for an unjustified or long period of time.
  • Makes failed attempts to control, reduce or stop his engagement in gambling activities.
  • Is interested in betting odds to an excessive extent and is overly interested in forecasts and games.
  • Tends to borrow money from his family and friends.
  • Is unjustifiably absent from work and his productivity is reduced.
  • Is not in the mood to become involved in anything else other than betting or gambling.
  • Is tensed and anxious when he cannot play.
  • Has unpaid bills, successive loans and other debts, overcharged credit cards, uncovered bills and money is missing from the family income for an unjustified reason, in order for the person to cover his gambling behaviour.

If you think you might have a gambling addiction problem, the following questions can help you verify it:

  • Does gambling prevent you from being consistent in your work or studies?
  • Do you bet just to pass some time or because you feel bored?
  • Do you gamble to pay debts or solve some financial problems?
  • Do you gamble until you lose all your money?
  • Have you ever lied to hide the amount and time you spent in gambling?
  • Do you gamble alone and for long periods of time?
  • Has anyone criticised you for your gambling?
  • Have you lost interest in family, friends and other entertainment activities?
  • Have you lied, stolen or borrowed to maintain your gambling habits?
  • Have you lied, stolen or borrowed to try to get even?
  • Are you reluctant to spend gambling money on something else?
  • After a loss, do you feel you have to try to win back your losses as fast as possible?
  • Do you want to bet after a quarrel or a disappointment?
  • Do you ever feel depressed or think about harming yourself as a result of gambling?

The more positive answers, the greater the probability of having a gambling addiction problem.

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